G-WAN makes all programming languages run faster

G-WAN better uses CPU Cores
to make the Internet of Things
fly thousand times higher !

Leverage legacy servers and
low-consumption CPUs to
do more with less!

With 1GHz in 2000 and 3GHz in 2002 10GHz CPUs were expected in 2005. Today, we should run much faster CPUs but:

We're not going to have faster processors. Instead, making software run faster in the future will mean using parallel-programming techniques. This will be a huge shift. The Economist, « Parallel bars »

As multicore grows exponentially, software becomes exponentially CPU-bound, and efficiency matters exponentially:

G-WAN App. server (one single ~200 KiB executable)

Initialization & Maintenance Scripts

Config Backup Alert Monitoring Healing Async. Jobs

Handler Scripts

Connection Rewrites Filter Custom Errors Caching

Servlet (edit & play) Scripts

asm C C++ C# D Go Java Javascript Lua Objective-C Perl PHP PH7 Python Ruby Scala

Ø-conf. virtualized   Code Compute Storage Network

G-WAN runs C, C# or Java with less CPU and less RAM while handling more requests than other servers. Other languages (Go, PHP, Python, Ruby, JS...) benefit from G-WAN's multicore architecture.

Use /usr/lib's thousands of libraries without writing complex interfaces: #pragma link "sqlite3"

Plug C/C++ libraries to support more protocols

G-WAN powers the mathematically-proven as secure, massively-scalable Global-WAN Cloud able to protect today's critical infrastructure and tomorrow's Internet of Things (IoT) with post-quantum security (PQE).

And, with raising energy costs, this increasingly large performance-gap paid by end-users will force all to migrate to the Cloud:

Why we didn't have 10GHz in 2005? CPU performance growth as we have known it hit a wall in 2003. Most people have only recently started to notice. Concurrency is the next major revolution in how we write software. « The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software »